
The Host, by Stephanie Meyer

age group:13 and up

Ever seen the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? For those of you who haven't, The Host takes place after mind-and-body-stealing aliens have invaded the earth. Yet the intrigue is not what it seems. When an alien nicknamed "Wanderer" is inserted to Melanie's body, Melanie won't disappear. Instead of vanishing into nothingness when Wanderer takes over, Melanie is constantly present, doing everything she can to hide her memories and protect the last human survivors. Throughout her journey in a stolen body, Wanderer eventually finds Melanie's beloved Jared... and begins to fall in love with him as Melanie already does.
Even at the mentioning of love triangles, vampires, and Mormon authors, Stephanie Meyer is usually the first person to come to mind. Famous for the Twilight series, Stephanie Meyer's work is either instantly disregarded or gushed over. Personally, I was never an obsessive representative for "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob." I've read the series and find it an entertaining page-turner that, whether the reader plans to become truly engaged or is simply along for the ride, is difficult to put down. I felt this way tenfold when reading The Host. It was not how I imagined it at all, and I liked it more than I thought I would. I was quickly entranced. Wanderer was made real to me, and the situation she and Melanie were in was just fascinating. I was able to understand the perspectives of Melanie, Wanderer, Jared, and the entire alien and human population. The complications between the relationships were unlike any I have ever read.
As for the plot, it is thought out and well written (though she is no J.K. Rowling), and the only change I would make (SPOILER ALERT!)is to have Wanderer be given a body more suited to her needs: one that is older and stronger.
The Host is unique and gripping. I could not put it down! I was so involved that, to my family, it was as if I wasn't present. For younger readers, there is some mild language and violence that should be considered before trying it out.

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