
Claim to Fame, by Margaret Peterson Haddix

age group: 14 and up
rating: 7

What would it be like, to be able to hear what everyone anywhere said about you? A blessing, or a curse? Lindsay Scott, or Curran, is faced with this ... talent? She's "different," and not just because she's a 16 year-old retired child actress. Lindsay hears voices-- people talking about her from Chicago, California, Japan, everywhere. She can even hear the slightest whisper about her in a house three blocks away.
This book was intensely interesting. The story is written in first person, to enable the reader to see, hear, and know what Lindsay really feels behind her role-playing. As she meets new people, she is forced to protect her gift with not-exactly-true stories.
Though the end of every chapter was a cliffhanger, compared to most of Haddix's books, this one was not quite as suspenseful. I also expected one of her trademark "gotcha!" endings. Although the ending was a little more predictable than I had suspected, I was still surprised by it. There are a few elements in Claim to Fame more suitable for mid-teens, but there is nothing that the young readers of Twilight cannot handle. Nevertheless, I did like this book, and recommend it to readers aching for a taste of intrigue.

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